Designing, Implementing and Monitoring a Gender Equality Plan - Practical Insights for Change Agents

On 25 and 26.11.21 the joint conference of the sister projects LeTSGEPs, SPEAR and CHANGE took place online.

On the first day of the conference, our CHANGErs Anita Thaler (IFZ) and Jennifer Dahmen-Adkins (RWTH) contributed to the programme with a presentation on the topic "Designing, Implementing and Monitoring a Gender Equality Plan - Practical Insights for Change Agents", in which they highlighted the special aspects of the CHANGE approach: co-creation of knowledge, using windows of opportunities, quick actions, transfer agents and communication.

Afterwards Anita Thaler also took part in the panel discussion on "Culture eats strategy for breakfast? Perspectives on Gender Equality Plan (GEP) implementation from short-, long-term and associated EU member states".

A detailed conference report will be published in January 2022 as a joint blog post of the three sister projects and will also be published in our news section.

The presentation can be downloaded here.