Kick-off online meeting of the ATHENA sister project

Already at the early stage of CHANGE implementation, consortium members have established cooperation with sister projects, which later resulted in more common organised activities (e.g. in Slovenia, Slovakia).

CHANGErs are aware that the change on the institutional level needs to be supported by the change of the society on the national or even regional levels. And this bigger task requires cooperation among individuals across different institutions.

We felt grateful to present CHANGE concept and our "Lessons learnt" from the project implementation during the kick-off meeting of the Athena project on the 3rd February 2021. Slovak CHANGE team member from University of Žilina, Veronika Mešková, shared the success stories of particular partners achieved thanks to the certain practice. She highligted the power of "soft actions" especially in some countries (e.g. Portugal, Slovakia), which proved to be supportive in overcoming the initial distrust towards gender equality topic and became a door opener for further activities enabling, step by step, a structural change.

Additionally, a follow-up online meeting was scheduled with the Slovak project participant in the Athena project to discuss implementation of the GEP in HEI in Slovakia.

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